
Adventures in the kitchen and abroad.

Trinidadian Green Seasoning

Trinidadian green seasoning is definitely a pantry staple that I like to keep on hand. It’s a fragrant blend of aromatic herbs used in a variety of ways, typically as a marinade for meat, fish, veggies, and as flavoring in curries and stews. When I’m able to get the homemade stuff directly from my aunts and uncles I’m grateful since some of the ingredients are difficult to find here in the US. The good thing about green seasoning is that it tends to be personal. When I say personal I mean that everyone makes their own version of it with different proportions of herbs and you can make substitutions as you like. The overall flavor will be different but the base flavors are very similar, very distinct and a signature of Trinidadian cooking. This is also something that you can buy from a Caribbean specialty grocery, but it’s super easy to make yourself. Just make sure you have a jar that you can store it in and should be kept in the refrigerator. Island style, you can thoroughly clean a peanut butter or pasta sauce jar to keep it in or one of those tall glass ketchup bottles. Depending on where you live if you’re unable to find the ingredients here are some links (Dave'sChiefChief UK) to places that sell imported seasoning from Trinidad. You can purchase one of these and then create your own version based on those flavors but making it is super easy.

Weighing an onion. Not all of that is going into the green seasoning.

Weighing an onion. Not all of that is going into the green seasoning.

Chopped up chives.

Chopped up chives.

Stripping time! It's a tedious business but must be done.

Stripping time! It's a tedious business but must be done.

Prepped ingredients.

Prepped ingredients.



And we have our green seasoning.

And we have our green seasoning.


65g 30 leaves Chadon Bani if you can find it (You can use Cilantro/Coriander leaves and stalks)

2 Hot Pepper (Habanero/Scotch Bonnet)

140g Celery (about 2 stalks)

24g Chives

45g Garlic

40g Flat Leaf Parsley

6 Scallions

6-8 Pimento Peppers

15g Fresh Thyme

50ml White Vinegar

50ml Water

3g Salt



Blender/Food processor


Jar/bottle with airtight lid

  1. Make sure your herbs are washed and clean; roughly chop (or not if you have a powerful blender/food processor you can just cut up so things fit).

  2. Place everything into the blender and blend until smooth then pour into you container.

  3. Done! Told you it was easy.